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User Management
- Customer Implementation Guide: Adding G Suite users to the MyCompliance platform
- Update a user’s Preferred Language
- 'Long Term Leave' User Status
- MetaCompliance AD Sync API Technical Assessment
- MetaCompliance AD Sync API Prerequisites
- Can I restrict a user to content only for 'reviewing' purposes?
- User is unable to log into their account
- What does the 'Business User Overview (Advanced)' permission do?
- On-premises AD sync: Does the AD Sync have to run when adding Email-based users?
- Business User Management (Advanced) Permission Overview
- Business User Management (Advanced) Permission - Bulk Upload Types Guidance
- Business User Management (Advanced) Permission - Reasons why a User Upload Spreadsheet is accepted/ rejected
- If I target users with content before they have registered for MetaCompliance, will they automatically receive Content Notifications after registration?
- If a SCIM user rejoins our organisation, can we recall their data/audits?
- Which options exist within the 'Approval Rules' section of 'User Management'?
- If I delete a Federated user from the platform, are they immediately deleted?
- If I delete an Email-based user from the platform, are they immediately deleted?
- Will removing a SCIM group affect the users on the platform?
- Why is a user being redirected to the Login page? (Federated)
- SCIM user not showing in SCIM group
- Who can receive 'Uncompliant User' emails?
- What happens on a device with multiple users (with email) who have content past its completion date ?
- Will 'disabled' users still show within the Uncompliant Report?
- How do I delete users from the platform? (Email, Federated, AD & SCIM)
- Outdated/old email notifications being received by end users
- Can I create Email-based users if I sync users via Azure AD?
- Can Email-based users utilise Single Sign-On?
- How to prevent the hard deletion of SCIM users after they've been disabled
- Can I send an Uncompliant Email to an individual user?
- Can users exist on multiple tenants?