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Can users add their 'Preferred Language' to MyCompliance?
Yes, all users onboarded to the MyCompliance platform will receive the default language, i.e. English. However, your employees can add their preferred language to the profile by following the steps below.
- Select your name at the top-right corner, and click View Profile.
- Click Edit Profile.
- Locate the relevant language from the ‘Preferred Language’ drop-down.
- Only those languages that have been assigned to your platform will be available for selection.
- Click Save.
Once updated, the platform can use this information to present the user with their preferred language in the 'Fusion Course Language' drop-down list, Content Notification emails and simulated phishing emails.
Other methods of collecting each user's preferred language include:
- Course Completions: Where applicable, we can identify the language in which a user has selected to complete any multi-language Fusion course and prepopulate this as the preferred language.
- The user must select the 'Set As My Preferred Language' checkbox to save this information.
- If the 'Set As My Preferred Language' option has not been selected by the user, then we will proceed with the following alternative options.
- MyCompliance Translation Tool: If you have purchased the 'Language' add-on, we will prepopulate the preferred language with the language that the user has set here, provided this matches the user's browser language. (If not correct, the user can simply follow the steps above to change this.)
- Browser Properties: If openly available, we can obtain each user’s preferred language via their browser properties. If this is available within MyCompliance and is different than the information logged for the user on the Translation Tool, we will set this as the preferred language. (If not correct, users can follow the steps above to change this.)
As this information is 'read only', administrators cannot currently make any updates to this information on behalf of the user.
Admins can view this information for all staff via the 'User Management' table.
- Navigate to User Management > Users.
- Select Column Visibility and enable the 'Language' option.