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Do all users need to register?
If you have SSO (Single Sign-On) configured on your platform, users do not need to register their MyCompliance account. These users can log in with their standard network credentials.
There are a number of additional scenarios for which users do not need to register their account.
- Simulated Phish Emails: If you are targeting users with simulated phishing emails, there is no requirement for users to be registered on the MyCompliance platform. You can simply upload your users via an Excel spreadsheet and target them with a simulated phish.
- Direct Access: To avoid the need for Email-based users to register their accounts before accessing their assigned policies, surveys or courses, you can use the 'Direct Access' approach.
- This setting must be enabled within the 'Company Edit' area via Settings > Company Edit > System Settings.
- Once enabled, you can deselect the 'Requires User Login' option on your policy, survey or course. This checkbox is located on the 'Options' or 'Type' tab when you are creating content.
Using this approach enables a unique email to be sent to each targeted user. Within the email is a unique link that they can use to review the policy, survey or course on the MyCompliance platform with no requirement to log on.
These links cannot be shared with other users as they are unique to the targeted individual user only.