How to create User Groups

There are 3 ways to create User Groups on the MyCompliance platform:

  1. Manually
  2. Automatically through Single-user Upload
  3. Automatically though Bulk-user Upload.

1. Manually

Navigate to User Management > User Groups from the left-hand menu pane.

  • On the right-hand side, you can create a new group by clicking Add Parent Group from the available buttons:


  • Give the group a name and click Save Changes. The group will be created, and you can add selected users.

2. Automatically through Single-User Upload

Navigate to User Management > Users from the left-hand menu pane.

  • You will be presented with the 'Manage Users' table.
  • On the left-hand side, you will see 2 options for User Creation, i.e. User (single) and Bulk Upload (multiple):



Follow the steps for adding a single User.

  • Select Yes for Create/Add to Subgroup(s) upon the point of upload:


  • If you have enabled 'Create/Add Subgroup(s)', a grouping will be created based on the Department and GroupName value you provide for the user.
    • The Department value you use corresponds to a Parent User Group, and the GroupName value corresponds to a Subgroup.
    • A Parent User Group can either contain a flat list of users or a list of Subgroups that each contain users. 
    • A Parent Group cannot contain both users and Subgroups at the same level, so it is important that you ensure the Department and Group Name you assign your user are correct, otherwise they will not be added to the group based on the existing structure.

3. Automatically through Bulk-User Upload

Navigate to User Management > Users from the left-hand menu pane.

  • You will be presented with the 'Manage Users' table.
  • On the left-hand side, you will see 2 options for User Creation, i.e. User (single) and Bulk Upload (multiple):


Follow the steps for Bulk Uploading users.

  • Select Yes for Create/Add Subgroup(s) upon the point of upload:


  • If you have enabled 'Create/Add Subgroup(s)', a grouping will be created based on the Department and GroupName value you provide for the user.
    • The Department value you use corresponds to a Parent User Group, and the Group Name value corresponds to a Subgroup. 
    • A Parent User Group can either contain a flat list of users or a list of Subgroups that each contain users. 
    • A Parent Group cannot contain both users and Subgroups at the same level, so it is important that you ensure the Department and Group Name you assign your user are correct, otherwise they will not be added to the group based on the existing structure.

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