How to add Federated users

  • To begin, navigate to User Management > Users from the left-hand menu pane on Admin Home.
  • You will be presented with the 'Manage Users' table.
  • On the left-hand side, you will see 2 options for User Creation, i.e. User (single) and Bulk Upload (multiple):


Creation: User (single)

A. Mandatory details required for the upload of a Federated user are as follows:

  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Email
  • Role: Admin or User
  • User Type: Federated
  • User Principal Name
  • Department
  • Create/add to subgroup(s): YES/NO
  • Custom Details (if applicable and Custom Attributes have been added)

B. Optional details for the upload of a Federated user:

  • Supervisor
  • Supervisors Manager
  • Group Name


  • Once all relevant details have been completed, click the green 'Create New User' button, and the Federated user will be added to the platform.
    • They will reside in the 'Manage Users' table and will be added to a Group/Subgroup made up of the Department & Group Name field if Create/add to subgroup(s) is selected as YES on the point of upload.

Bulk Upload (multiple):

A. Mandatory details required for the bulk upload of Federated users are as follows:

  • User Type: Federated
  • Bulk Upload Type: New Users/Replace Existing User List
  • Create Add to Subgroup(s): YES/NO


Spreadsheet Guidelines

Mandatory fields in Excel/CSV:

  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Email
  • UserPrincipalName
  • Department
  • Domain

Optional fields in Excel/CSV:

  • Supervisor
  • Supervisors Manager
  • Group Name


Group Guidelines

If you have enabled Create/Add Subgroup(s), your groups will be created based on the Department and GroupName values you provided in your spreadsheet. The Department value you use corresponds to Parent User Groups, and the GroupName value corresponds to Subgroups. 

  • A Parent User Group can either contain a flat list of users or a list of Subgroups that each contain users.
  • A Parent Group cannot contain both users and Subgroups at the same level, so it is important that you ensure your spreadsheet is set up correctly, otherwise users may not be added to groups based on the existing structure.
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