MyCompliance Teams App Notifications

The following functionality only applies to the MyCompliance Teams on the Microsoft Store. Please ensure you have installed this version and advise the MetaCompliance Support Team once you have done so.

To help increase adoption, and to also keep your users engaged, users who have the MyCompliance Teams App installed can now be notified via Teams when they are assigned a new course, policy, or survey.

The notification performs like any Teams chat alert or channel notification. A pop-up will be displayed briefly on the bottom-right corner of the screen, and an alert will be added to the user's Activity feed within Teams.

  • Those users utilising the Teams App on their mobile can also receive a mobile notification alert of the new content if they have notifications for Teams enabled.
  • Once the user clicks on the alert, they will be directed to the MyCompliance Teams App home screen. From here, the user can identify what content is currently pending as the red notification bubble will be visible on the relevant tiles.

Triggering the MyCompliance Teams Alert

It is highly recommended that you ensure all users have the MyCompliance Teams App installed and activated before you trigger the Teams notification. If a targeted user does not have the MyCompliance Teams app installed and activated before you trigger the alert, the user will never receive the Teams alert.


  • As with standard Teams Notification alerts, these are a one-time option. Alert reminders cannot be sent for the MyCompliance Teams app at this time.
  • Teams Notification can only be enabled for standalone content, not Campaign content.

How to enable the Teams Notification Alert for new content

To send the alert to users for a new course, policy, or survey, navigate to the relevant Content Creation page.

The steps below reflect how to trigger the alert for a new course.

  1. Navigate to Learning > Course Publish.
  2. Populate all the relevant information on the 'Course' tab, then proceed to the 'Type' tab. (Full instructions on how to publish a Fusion course can be found here - How to publish a Fusion course.)
  3. To enable the Teams Notification, ensure you select Enable Teams Notification on the 'Type' tab. Continue with the remaining steps required to publish the course.

  4. Once you select Publish, all targeted users who have the MyCompliance Teams App installed and activated will receive the alert shortly after.

The Teams Notification option can be located on the below tabs for the Policy and Survey modules also:

  • Policy module: 'Options' tab
  • Survey module: 'Survey' tab

As with Course, the same requirements apply to Policy and Survey, so please ensure users have the MyCompliance Teams App installed before triggering this alert.

How to enable the Teams Notification Alert for existing content

Teams notifications can also be triggered for content that you have already set up and published to users. Once the alert is enabled, only the users who have not yet completed the course, policy, or survey will receive the alert.

  • To enable the alert, navigate to the Course, Policy, or Survey In Progress table.
  • Locate the required content within the table, and select View.

Next, follow the steps below to trigger the alert:

  • Course: 'Type' tab > Enable Teams Notification > Update Course
  • Policy: 'Options' tab > Enable Teams Notification > Update Policy
  • Survey: 'Survey' tab > Enable Teams Notification > Update Survey

Adding Targets and New Joiners

If you manually add new users to the target list for a course, policy or survey, and the Enable Teams Notification option has been selected, the new users will receive the Teams alert once you select Update Targets.

Users who are added automatically to a fully targeted group, e.g. a new employee joining the organisation, will receive the alert once the target has been assigned. (This can take up to 24 hours from when the user was provisioned to the MyCompliance platform.)

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