Which automated emails are sent via the DSAR module?

Please note: Automated emails sent by the DSAR module are only triggered when requests have been submitted via the DSAR Web Form.

1. Data Subject Request has been successfully submitted.

If the request has been submitted via the web form, the requester will receive an email to notify them that their request has been successfully submitted, and that the organisation has received it.

The email will include a link to the Requester Communication page that will allow them to see the status of their request along with viewing and submitting chat messages.


2. New Data Subject Request submission

When a new Data Subject Request has been submitted via the online web form, admins/DPOs will receive an email notification with a link to view and manage the request within MyCompliance. 


3. New DSAR chat message

When a new chat message has been submitted by the DPO/admin or requester, an email notification will be sent that will include a link to view the message on the Requester Communication page.


4. Notification to the requester that their request has been completed.

This email notification will be sent to requesters who have raised their Data Subject Request via the web form. The email will be triggered once the admin/DPO has set the status of the request to 'Completed', and the request has been saved.

If Handover information has been attached to the request, this will be available for download via the link supplied. 



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