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What is the register 'Record History'?
Record History provides customers with a full audit trail of the record, and is available as the last tab within each register record.
- The 'Record History' table will display the previous and new responses for register fields, along with timestamps and the email of the user(s) who made the updates.
- It can also be searched and filtered per column, as well as be exported to either CSV/Excel.
Record History columns
- Change Area: states if the primary register field or a Related Item has been updated.
- Field/Related Item Updated: displays which primary register field has been updated, or which Related Item register has been updated.
- Field Type: displays which type of field has been updated, i.e. single select, multi-select or free text.
- Previous Response: if the field or Related Item holds data and is updated at a later time, this column will display the previous response for the field.
- New Response: displays the most recent update to the field or Related Item.
- Date/Time Updated: displays the date and time of the update to the field or Related Item.
- Updated By: displays the email address of the user who updated the record.