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Can I edit a step within a Campaign template?
Yes, when you opt to use a Campaign template, all linked content will automatically be added to your MyCompliance platform.
Steps cannot be edited directly from the Campaign step; however, you can follow the steps below to edit the pre-created Fusion course or phish.
Editing a Fusion course linked to a MetaCompliance Campaign template
- Firstly, remove the relevant step from your Campaign by clicking the 'X' option on the top-right corner of the Campaign step.
- Once the step has been successfully removed, click Save.
- When the Campaign has been saved, navigate to Learning > Fusion Template Creation.
- Locate the Fusion course to be edited under the 'Your Templates' section within the 'Course Templates' table and click View.
- Select Copy at the top-right corner of the course template.
- Enter a new Name for the Fusion course. Click Create Copy, and then select Confirm.
- The Fusion course is now available for editing. Make all relevant updates, and, once ready, click Next to add this back into your Campaign.
- Determine if you wish to include a pre-test within the Fusion course by either selecting Yes, Add Pre-Test or No Thanks, followed by Confirm.
- Select Publish at the top-right corner and choose Fusion Course.
- On the 'Course Publish' page, check the 'Manage in Campaign' checkbox.
- Assign a Category to the course, and confirm all other elements are correct before proceeding.
- Once you are ready, select Manage in Campaign at the top right of the screen to add the course back into your Campaign.
- Navigate to Campaigns > Campaigns in Progress, and locate the required Campaign.
- Under the 'Actions' column, select View Campaign, and navigate to the 'Flowbuilder' section of the Campaign.
- Select Course from the 'Choose by Type' drop-down, and locate the course you have just edited within the 'Choose Content' drop-down.
- Once you have located the required course, select the 'Add Campaign Step' option to re-add the course into your Campaign.
- Schedule the course to be sent on a date of your preference.
- Click Publish Changes to save the updates to the Campaign.
Editing a simulated phish linked to a MetaCompliance Campaign template
- Firstly, remove the relevant step from your Campaign by clicking the 'X' option in the top-right corner of the Campaign step.
- Once the step has been successfully removed, click Save.
- When the Campaign has been saved, navigate to Phish > Phish in Progress.
- Locate the phish to be edited within the 'In Progress' table, and click View Phish.
- Select Create New to edit the phish.
- Enter a reason into the 'Archive Notes' field. (Remember, selecting Create New on a live phish will stop that phish from sending to remaining users.)
- After entering a reason, select Create New; the phish will now be editable.
- Update the phish with any relevant changes. (Name, Template, Form Data, Email Attachments, Learning Experience and Exit Summary can all be changed as required.)
- Ensure Manage in Campaign has been checked, and that a Category has been assigned on the 'Options' tab.
- Once all relevant changes have been implemented, the phish can be re-added into your Campaign.
- Click the 'Manage in Campaign' button at the top-right corner of your screen; the phish will now change to a Campaign state.
- Navigate to Campaigns > Campaigns in Progress, and locate the required Campaign.
- Under the 'Actions' column, select View Campaign, and navigate to the 'Flowbuilder' section of the Campaign.
- Select Phish from the 'Choose by Type' drop-down, and locate the phish you have just edited within the 'Choose Content' drop-down.
- Once you have located the required phish, select the 'Add Campaign Step' option to re-add the phish into your Campaign.
- Schedule the phish to be sent on a date of your preference.
- Click Publish Changes to save the updates to the Campaign.