Recurring Phish Victims Report

The Recurring Phish Victims report can be used to help identify users who have interacted with more than one simulated phish email.

  • You are able to choose the columns visible by clicking on Column Visibility.

Phish Failures - Shown below, this column provides insights into the number of phishing simulations the end user interacted with. If a phish is interacted with, the 'Phish Failures' column will increase count by 1, regardless of how many times the link was clicked. 

  • Click on View More to get a more detailed breakdown of the chosen individual's actions.

  • Select Column Visibility to view additional fields. 

  • Add any of the options highlighted in red to view more granular detail from the individual's report.

  • From here, you can select Save Report and/or export the data via CSV or Excel.

  • Alternatively, you can use the report to view those users who have interacted with the simulated phishing emails most often.
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