How do I add questions to Incident Assessments?

To add questions to an Incident Assessment, you first need to add the field into the register via Field Management. 

Once added, follow the steps below.

1. To add a register field to your Incident Assessments, navigate to Incident > Assessment Creator

There will be 2 assessments in here.

  • Report Incident: This allows for Incidents to be reported by end users via the home page.
  • Reported Incident Assessment: Allows for Incident Officers/admins to manage the life cycle of the incident after it has been reported. 

Click on the 'Edit' button in the relevant assessment, and then click the relevant section in which you want the question to appear.

  • Next, select Add > Question.


2a. When updating the 'Report Incident' template

  • If you are updating the 'Report Incident' template, select the Incident Register Field you have added (within Field Management) along with updating the question text, description and guidance (which is optional). 


2b. Updating the 'Reported Incident Assessment' template

  • If you are updating the 'Reported Incident Assessment' template, select Master Register Field as the 'Question Type'; then select the Incident Register Field you have added (within Field Management) along with updating the question text, description and guidance (optional).
  • Note: Selecting a Master Register Field as your Question Type will ensure that the question is reportable within the Incident Reporting engine. Other question types are typically used for question logic and to gather extra information on the Incident; however, these are not reportable


  • Click Add Question, and it will then appear at the bottom of the selected section.
  • You can move the question position by clicking and dragging the question to the relevant position in the section.


  • Remember to click the green 'Save' button before exiting the Assessment Creator page.
  • Once the assessment has been saved, you will see the updates within the live assessment.
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