Campaign Schedule Reporting

When creating a Campaign, an administrator will set a predefined schedule in which content will be sent to targeted users. 

At the point of publish, users targeted with the Campaign will receive the assigned content on the selected date.

Users who join the organisation, or who are added to the Campaign target after the initial publish date, will follow a different schedule. This is to ensure they are not bombarded with too many steps at any one given time. 

  • These users will receive the first step when they are added to the Campaign.
  • The next step will be sent X number of days after this, with 'X' representing the time gap between steps.
  • Example scenario:
    • Step 1 - Course is due to be sent to all users on 19th September 2021.
    • Step 2 - Course is due to be sent on 19th October 2021.
    • Users added to the Campaign before the Step 1 Publish Date (19th Sept) will receive the courses on these dates. 
    • A user who joins the Campaign after the Step 1 Publish Date will follow an updated schedule; however, they will still receive each course 30 days apart.

This applies to Course, Policy and Survey content. Users added to a Campaign after a phish or blog step has gone live will not be targeted with these.

Campaign Schedule Report

You can use the Campaign Schedule report to help identify when each user is due to receive their notification email for each assigned Campaign step.

  • Navigate to the required Campaign: Campaigns > Campaigns in Progress > View Campaign.
  • Switch to the Flowbuilder view.
  • The Campaign Schedule report is available for all Course, Policy & Survey Steps with the Campaign.
  • Navigate to any Course, Policy or Survey step, and select the 'Settings' icon:


  • Within the 'Settings' option, select View Email Schedule.


  • The Email Schedule report will now open with all of the relevant information for each user who has been targeted with the Campaign step.


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