Gmail Phish Reporter Configuration Options

  1. ConfirmMessageBoxTitle: The main pop-up window title. 
  2. ConfirmMessage: The main confirmation message on the pop-up when the Gmail Phish Reporter Add-on button is clicked.
  3. ForwardMailBody: The text that appears above the forwarded email. 
  4. ForwardMailboxName: The internal mailbox email alias. 
  5. ForwardMailbox: The internal email address where the reported email is sent. 
  6. ForwardMailSubject: The information that is added as a prefix to the subject line of the email sent to the ForwardMailbox. 
  7. ForwardMailData: If 'true', email data is sent to the MyCompliance platform to enable data collection on staff behaviours.
  8. ForwardMyCompliancePhish:
    • True: All mails will be sent to the ForwardMailbox.
    • False: Phishing simulation emails from MyCompliance do not get sent to ForwardMailbox. 
  9. InternalMailDomain: The internal mail domain; only one domain can be added. 
  10. InternalMessageBoxTitle: The main pop-up window title when the mail sent is from the InternalMailDomain.
  11. InternalMessage: The main confirmation message on the pop-up when the Gmail Phish Reporter Add-on is clicked on a mail sent from the InternalMailDomain.
  12. MetaPhishSimulationMessage: Message prompt when user correctly identifies a MyCompliance simulated phishing email.
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