Customer Custom Phish Domains

Whilst MetaCompliance currently provides 100+ phish domains within the MetaPhish module for use in your own phish simulations, or with the MetaCompliance templates, you also have the ability to add your own verified domains to the platform.

Adding your own verified domains will allow you to expand on the phishing simulations that you are targeting to your end users, helping to raise more awareness amongst staff of the dangers of phishing.

Once added, the MetaCompliance Support team will complete the relevant checks to ensure the domain has been verified. They will then get in touch with you to finalise the process and, if successful, your newly-added domain will be available for use within the MetaPhish list of available domains.

How do I add my own domains to the MetaPhish tool?

  1. Navigate to the MyCompliance platform, and log in with an administrator account.
  2. Expand the 'Settings' option on the left menu pane, then expand Phish > Phish Domains:


  1. If you have purchased a new domain, or own a required domain that isn't your company's real domain, then you can add this to the platform:


  2. Click Add Domain to add your required domain:


  1. Now, enter the name of the domain you wish to add to the MetaPhish tool, and click Submit:


  1. Ensure you enter the domain name in the correct format, and click Confirm to submit for verification:


  • This functionality prohibits the use of your own company domain for phishing simulations. If you send a request through to our Support team with your own company domain, it will be rejected.
  1. Once added, your new domain will be added to the Domain table, as below:


  • Note: If you have added a domain in error or incorrectly, you will be able to delete this from the platform. However, once a domain has been verified by our Support team, this cannot then be deleted from the platform. This restriction has been enforced in case any live phishing simulations in progress on your platform are also using this domain.
  1. Once submitted for verification, you will receive 'next steps' via email from Support ( within approx. 48 hours.
  2. When all elements have been verified, the new domain will be added to the ‘From Address’ drop-down menu within the MetaPhish tool:


  1. You can complete the phish creation steps as normal to set up your phishing simulation using your newly added domain.

We recommend testing all phishing simulations on a small subset of users before sending this to a wider audience. This is to ensure all relevant checks are in place to guarantee a successful Campaign.

For further information on this, refer to the Phish Architecture document.

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