What does 'Generate a template' do?

'Generate a template' enhances MetaCompliance's admin usability by generating a recommended course based on several filters. This feature is available only for Premium Plus customers.

  • To use this function, navigate to Learning > Fusion Template Creation > Generate a template.

  • To generate a course, select the Risk Topic, Template Intensity and Language(s) in which you require your course to be generated.

  • Template based on the 3 filters below:
    • Risk Category: A selection of 12 risk categories. Each category is linked. 
    • Course Intensity: Select what length you require the course to be.
      • Low - at least 1 Nano
      • Medium - at least 2 Nanos
      • High - at least 3 Nanos
  • Language: Allows for a selection of languages into which courses are to be generated.
  • Once you have selected the filters, click the 'Generate Template' button.
    • A course template will then be generated based on the filters applied.
    • You can then customise the course further by adding more Learning Elements.
  • Click Save as Draft if you want to save your progress.
    • Draft versions of your generated course can be found within Learning > Fusion Template Creation > Drafts.
    • Click on View to continue customising.
  • Once you are happy with your course, click on the 'Finish' button to create a template.
    • The course will then be available within Learning > Fusion Template Creation > Your Drafts.
  • Tip: Remember to update the course name and description before finishing the course.
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