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How does the Privacy Assessment Report work?
The Privacy Assessment Report will display the questions and answers that have been asked within a Privacy Assessment. Unlike the Register Report, the questions in the Assessment Report will be displayed in the same order as they appear within the Privacy Assessment.
- To load the report, select your Master Register, then the relevant Assessment template, and click Show Report.
- The first 9 columns of the report will display auto-populated information related to the assessment, such as the ID, Name, Status, Program and Reviewers.
Scrolling to the right of the report will display the list of questions that have been included in the assessment.
- The question number will be displayed at the beginning of each question.
- Each column will have an option to filter the responses if required.
- To export the Assessment Report to a spreadsheet, use the Excel or CSV buttons. (To ensure a successful download, please ensure pop-up blockers are enabled for the website.)