Incident - How do I move Register fields between tabs/sections?

  • To move a Register field between tabs, you first need to navigate to Settings > Incident > Field Management
  • Click on the 'Edit' button beside the relevant register. 
  • On the field you are looking to move (to another tab), select the 'Arrow' icon.


  • A list of the other tabs within the register will now appear. Select the relevant tab that you want to move the field to, and then click Move Field.


  • Next, select Confirm on the message confirmation message that appears.
  • The field will then appear within the top section of the tab. If required, you can then move the field to another section within the tab by clicking and holding the '4 Arrows' icon.


  • Now, drag/drop the field into the relevant section.
  • Before exiting 'Field Management', please remember to click the green 'Save Register' button (located at the top and bottom right of the page) to ensure all changes take effect. 


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