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Best Practice
- Why use Campaigns?
- How phish simulations work in a Campaign
- How blogs work in a Campaign
- Can I edit the delivery date or time of a Campaign step?
- How to delete a Campaign
- Can I use the same course in multiple Campaigns?
- If I customise a Campaign step email, will my weekly reminders be different for each step?
- Why am I unable to use Campaign Templates?
- What is the difference between Internal and External Blogs?
- Can you untick a SCIM user within a Campaign?
- New users (added to an ongoing Campaign) will not receive phishing simulations/blogs when this step has already run
- Can I use the 'Mark Audit Completed' functionality for a course published within a Campaign?
- Will all published courses and policies be populated automatically in MyCompliance for new users once targeted in a Campaign?
- Can I reuse or edit a previous Campaign in an ended state?
- Why are there users on the 'Campaign Schedule Report' with no 'Email Due Date' assigned?
- Can I add more steps to a Campaign template?
- What are 'Campaign Templates'?
- Automate your Awareness plan
- Which type of Campaign should I run?
- What is a 'Campaign'?
- 7 steps to consider when launching a Campaign
- If a Campaign that includes phish is archived, should this automatically archive the phish that were also in the Campaign?