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Roddy O'Donnell
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Latest activity by Roddy O'Donnell-
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
How to delete a Campaign
To delete a campaign, you should first select the 'Campaigns' tile followed by Campaigns in Progress. Search for/select the campaign you wish to delete. On the 'Actions' column, click the arrow fo...
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
Where can I find the 'Draft' course templates that I have been working on?
To locate any draft templates that you, or any other Admin within the organisation, have been working on, simply follow the below steps. First of all, select the 'Learning' tile: Next, select F...
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
Can I request a copy of the recording from a Learning session?
Yes; if you have agreed to the session being recorded, you can then request a copy of the recording by asking the MetaCompliance contact involved.
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
Who can receive 'Uncompliant User' emails?
Only admins (or defined Supervisors and Supervisor Managers if this has been 'enabled' within Alerts) can receive 'Uncompliant User' emails.
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
Can I use 'special characters' when naming a Campaign?
Yes, this is possible, but with some limitations. When choosing a name for your Campaign, you can only use: alphanumeric characters those special characters outlined in the image below
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
How to display the correct answers to an end user within an embedded quiz
We all learn from our mistakes, and when a user answers incorrectly in a quiz, it presents us with an opportunity to provide them with the required knowledge so that they can further their understa...
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
Can I replace the 'MyCompliance' logo within the 'Toggle' menu?
No, it is not possible to change the 'MyCompliance' logo within the 'toggle' menu (shown below).
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
How many email templates can I use within a phishing simulation?
It is possible to add up to 50 different email templates to each phishing simulation.
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
Can I have different Learning Experiences for each template if I use the 'Multiple Templates' option within Phish Creation?
No; if you choose to use 'Multiple Templates' when creating a phish, you can then only use one Learning Experience.
Roddy O'Donnell created an article,
How many sections are allowed within a policy?
Within a policy, you are permitted to have a maximum of 50 sections.