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Caomhan Deery
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Votes on activity by Caomhan Deery-
How many days later can a user be targeted with a remediation?
If a phish has been created with a remediation attached, then an admin can choose between 1 to 5 days later to have a pre-created remediation course, or a second phish sent to any user who has clic...
How do I add a policy to a Campaign, and publish to my target audience?
1. To create a policy, follow the guidance within article How to create a policy. Within 'Options', please ensure to tick Manage in Campaign. 2. Once the policy has been created, you can then ...
How to pin the Microsoft Teams app
Adding a 'pin' to the MS Teams app is a useful thing to do because it will result in the app being constantly positioned on the left-hand panel on your Teams platform. Open the app, and right-clic...
How to shuffle questions on a Custom Quiz
Within the Quiz function, there is an option to Shuffle Questions that will result in each user receiving their questions in a different order from other users. To enable this, you first need to c...
Can I upload YouTube links to Content Creation?
It is not currently possible to add a YouTube link to a MetaCompliance training course. However, if you wish to add your own video, we require it to be in .MP4 format only. You can currently upload...
How to filter Learning content (Z-A)
Within Fusion Course Creation, you will find an option to filter content by alphabetical order, Z-A. First, select which 'Learning' element you would like to add. Once you have accessed your c...
How to filter Learning content by 'Oldest'
Within Fusion Course Creation, there is an option to filter content by 'Oldest'. (You may wish to use this to view historical Learning content on the platform that you may have seen/used previously...
How to filter Learning content by 'Most Recent'
Within Fusion Course Creation, you have the option of filtering content by Most Recent. First, select which 'Learning' element you wish to add. Once you have accessed your chosen element, use t...
How to filter Learning content (A-Z)
Within Fusion Course Creation, you will find an option to filter content by alphabetical order, A-Z. First, select which 'Learning' element you wish to add. Once you have accessed your chosen ...
Shuffling questions within quizzes
Within the 'Create Quiz' function, there is an option to Shuffle Questions, which will result in each user receiving their questions in a different order from other users. Please note that it is ...