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Ryan Harkin
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Ryan Harkin created an article,
Which permissions can be managed by a DPO?
The DPO is the highest level of permission within MyCompliance, and those at this level can assign any permission to any user. The permissions they can set are: Admin Business User User Data Prote...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Can an admin change the permission of a DPO?
Within the platform, the DPO permission is the top permission and can only be changed by other DPOs; therefore, an admin does not have the authority to change this permission.
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Can an admin assign the DPO Permission to other users?
No, an admin only has the authority to manage the following permissions for other users: Admin User Business User User Management Admin
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Can I view the MyCompliance Teams App in a separate window?
Yes, the MyCompliance Team app can be populated in its own tab. When you are in the app, look for this symbol in the top right-hand corner. When you click on it, your MyCompliance Teams app will ...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
What is the 'Phish Device Report'?
The Phish Device Report collects the data about which device a user is using when they open a phish. Headings Explained Overall Device Statistics: a compilation of all phishing simulations in one...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Which reports show in which language the user has received a phish?
Within MyCompliance, there are two reports in which an admin can see the language of the phish that was received by their users, i.e. Phish Overview and Phish Adoption. 1. Phish Overview Search fo...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Phish Delivery Status & Delivery Time
The phish Delivery Status and Delivery Time columns can be added within the Phish Overview Report. Delivery Status: This will display as 'Delivered', 'Bounced' or 'Dropped'. 'Delivered' indica...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Can I upload my own .MP3 files?
Yes, you can upload your own .MP3 files in these 3 simple steps. First of all, log in to MetaCompliance, and on the Admin home page, click on Learning > Content Creation. Next, complete the upl...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
How to retarget a policy to a user who has rejected it
There are 2 ways in which you can retarget a policy to a user who has initially rejected it, i.e. via Adoption or Audits. Within Adoption, simply click on the 'Retarget User' button within the rep...
Ryan Harkin created an article,
Which report should I use to access 'Request Exemption' reasons?
The report that will provide you with access to the response reasons is the Policy Adoption report. Below is an example of how this report looks: