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Kisha Gillespie
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MetaLearning - Can I include .MP3 files in my Fusion course?
Unfortunately, an MP3 file cannot be added into a Fusion course as it is a core audio file only. You can, however, make it available to your employees as a standalone piece of content that they can...
Will Content Notification emails be automatically translated for the end user?
At present, Content Notification emails are not automatically translated into another language upon delivery. These are currently available in English only. You can, however, edit our email templa...
Can end users view MetaLearning videos that have been made visible in the MyCompliance Teams app?
End users cannot currently view MetaLearning videos that have been made visible by an admin within the MyCompliance Teams app integration, as it will only show any courses or policies that are stil...
Can I view completed policies, assessments and courses in the MyCompliance Teams application?
Yes, the latest version of the MyCompliance Teams App 2.0 provides the ability to view all pending and completed policies, assessments and courses. However, end users with access to the MyComplianc...
Can I create a new Assessment template for Incident management?
No, you cannot currently add a new Assessment template for Incident reporting; however, you can edit the existing templates to suit the information you would like to gather. On the left-hand navig...
Can I edit saved Incident Reports?
You can edit previously saved reports, which will, in effect, overwrite the previous report data. If you would like to create a report based on an updated version, and keep the previously saved rep...
How can I find/view previously saved Incident Reports?
In order to view a previously saved Incident Report, go to the left-hand navigation bar, and click on Reporting > Incident > Incident Reporting. On the 'Filter' section, click on the drop-down ...
How to filter, customise and export reported/existing Incidents
To carry out filtering and exporting etc., select Reporting > Incident > Incident Reporting from the left-hand navigation bar: This will bring you to the 'Reporting' section, from where you can ...
How to export a list of all existing Incidents
In order to export a list of all the existing Incidents, go to Incident > Reported Incidents. You will then have an option to export in Excel format. To download the report, simply click on whiche...
Can I remove a Reported Incident?
Yes, you can delete a Reported Incident by accessing Incident > Reported Incidents. (This will bring you to a list view of the Reported Incidents.) Go to the 'Actions' column beside whichever Inci...