Can I add a Display Name to the MyCompliance email address?

Yes, you can add a custom Display Name to the MyCompliance email address. Once added, this will be visible to end users when they are targeted with new content via email.

  • To update this, navigate to Settings > Company Edit > Platform Customisation.
  • On the 'System Settings' panel, navigate to the 'Customise Email Display Name' section.

  • Alternatively, you can navigate to this page via the 'Customise Email Template' page by clicking on the 'Company Edit' link.


  • On the 'Company Edit' page, enter your preferred Display Name in the text box, and click Save Changes.
    • The character limit on this option has been set to 200 characters.


  • Once you have clicked Save Changes, all relevant emails sent via MyCompliance will have the new Display Name attached – see below:


  • The new 'Display Name' will also be visible within the 'Customise Email Template' page for review.


  • Adding this option to your email alerts will help to increase engagement amongst your users, as the email appears to be from a 'trusted source'.
  • Note: This is not supported for Outlook Desktop 2016.

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