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What information will I find within a Learning Audit Report?
When you access the Audit report for a Learning course, you can access a range of different information to display within your report.
- By clicking on Column Visibility, you can access the following fields:
Name: |
End user's full name. |
Email: |
End user's email address. |
Department: |
Department associated with user's profile, e.g. Marketing, Finance. |
User Status: |
If the user is active or inactive. |
Course Name: |
Name given to the Fusion course. |
Version: |
The version of the course in Learning in Progress. |
Status: |
If the user has completed or not completed the course. |
Timestamp: |
The date the user completed the course. |
Percentage Complete: |
How much of the course the user has completed (%). |
Points: |
Participation Points achieved from the elements of the course. |
Course Type: |
The type of course created, Fusion, SCORM, etc. |
Recurring Annually: |
If 'Recur on Anniversary' has been enabled in Course Publish. |
User Type: |
How the user was provisioned, e.g. SCIM, Ad, Email. |
Sub Group: |
The group the user has been assigned to. |
MetaEngage: |
If this feature is enabled, displays as 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. |
Campaign Name: |
Name of the Campaign through which the course was scheduled. |
Supervisor: |
Information associated with the user's profile. |
Supervisor's Manager: |
Information associated with the user's profile. |
Enrolment Date: |
The date the user was first targeted. |
Actions: |
This field will give you the option to mark a user as 'Completed'. |
Send Count: |
The number of email reminders received by the user. |