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How to customise and change the logo for Available Forms
A lot of MyCompliance users like the ability to add a logo to the 'Available Forms' option to make the form look more professional and, therefore, more likely to provoke a response from the end user.
For example, the difference in the two forms below is clear to see; the second example, as it is more of a tailored fit, clearly has more impact.
- To customise the form to suit your organisation, simply click on the 'Preview/Edit Form' button.
- Customisation to the form can be completed within here, e.g. updating text.
- To add a logo, click the 'Picture' icon > 'Upload' tab and select the logo from your machine via Choose File.
- Now, click Send it to the Server. You may need to resize the width and height of the image to ensure it fits into the form.
- Click OK > Save.