What reporting is available for the Phishing module?

  • Within the menu of the platform, click on the '>' symbol to expand Reporting.

  • From the list of drop-down options presented, select Phish:

  • Next, expand the 'Phish' tab by clicking on the '>' symbol. This will present the 11 available reports for the Phishing module.


A list of all phish on the platform; when they were published; what their current state is (Published or Archived); total numbers and percentages of users who opened/unopened or clicked data etc. You are also able to filter by Department and view the audits of each individual phish.

Phish Adoption

This provides an overview of the average adoption of all the phish simulations within the platform, and will display what percentage have been opened/unopened. This information can also be gathered, via each individual phish Campaign, specifically by the name and version of the Campaign, and how each department performed.

Within this report, you can also view phishing activity, highlighting a month-by-month comparison of the total phish published against 'percentage opened' and 'percentage clicked'.

Phish Comparison

There are 2 breakdowns here:

  • The first provides the ability to include multiple phish, and displays an overview of the percentages of end uses who clicked, entered data and opened attachments.
  • The second provides the collective data for all selected.

Phish Summary

This provides a summary of the key areas for all phish on the platform, including overall phish adoption, overall device statistics, most recent adoption, monthly phish open/click activity and recurring phish victims.

Phish Campaign Summary 

Campaign Clicks, Campaign Delivery, Campaign Devices, Departmental Comparison and Phish Campaign Audit are all provided for each phishing Campaign on the platform.

Reported Emails

An audit which will provide User Email, Mail Domain, Report Date, Phish Name and Mail Info for each time a user reported a phish simulation.

Recurring Phish Victims

Name, Email, Date of Last Offence, Number of Emails Opened, Number of Links Clicked, Number of Attachments Opened & more info (if necessary) for all users who have clicked on more than one phish simulation.

Phish Map

Provides a breakdown of the overall emails opened, by location, with the ability to choose specific phishing simulation data.

Phish Device Report

A summary of overall device statistics used when opened: iPhone, Desktop, Mac, Android or Other. This same information is available for each specific simulation on the platform.


This gives the user a breakdown of user, simulation, vulnerable plugins, OS, browser and plugins for all phish on the platform, as well as for each individual simulation.

Phish Audits

These are end user focused, and there are multiple options for what data can be collected including User Name, Email, Department, Job Title, Supervisor/Manager.

Also available are Name of Phish, Template Used, Date Opened, Click Count, Data Entered, Learning Experience, and Attachment Opened.

You can include as many or as few of these factors as you wish.

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