What reporting is available for the 'Policy' module?

Within the menu of the platform, click the '>' symbol to expand Reporting:


  • From the menu displayed, expand the Policy drop-down by once again clicking on the '>' icon.


  • This will gather the following three available reports:


1. Overview

This lists all of the policies on the platform; when they were published, number/percentage of users who have/haven't completed them, and any users with Exemption Requests.

2. Adoption

This report displays an overview of the status for all policies on the platform, broken down into the following categories: Close Message, Pending Receipt & Request Exemption.

The same information can also be viewed for the individual policies, as well as the following data for Surveys: Completed, Refused to take, Pending receipt & Started.

3. Audits

This focuses on the end user. Examples include who has been targeted with which policy; when they were received/completed; and Job Title and Department etc. The range of displayed criteria can be expanded or reduced.

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