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How to add your company logo to email notifications
- To add your company's logo to email notifications, you should first log in to the MyCompliance platform.
- Next, click on the 'Settings/Cogwheel' icon on the left-hand control panel.
- Select Notifications.
- From the options given, select Email Templates.
- Next, select the Template you wish to use:
- This template currently displays the MetaCompliance logo. To change this, highlight the logo by double-clicking on it.
- This will now open 'Image Properties'.
- Select the 'Upload' tab, followed by Choose file, and select the logo file you wish to upload.
- (Please note: You may need to adjust the width and height based on the size of your image.)
- Finally, click Send it to the Server, followed by OK to save your changes.
- Your new choice of logo will have now been uploaded.
- Please ensure to click the 'Save' button at the top-right corner to ensure the email template is updated.