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How to create a survey
- To begin creating your survey, you first need to log in to the MyCompliance platform and toggle from End User View to Admin View.
- Next, navigate to Policy > Survey Creation:
- The 'Survey' creation tool will open with several tabs to complete.
Under the 'Survey' tab:
- Enter the Name and Description of your survey.
- Select Create as Attached Survey if you would like to attach to a policy.
- Select Mandatory/Optional. (Note: This cannot be amended after publication. If you would like to test user understanding of a policy, ensure you have selected 'Mandatory' as this will prevent the user from accepting your policy without completing the survey and achieving the desired pass mark.)
- Select the Survey Type Classification - 'Opinion', 'Test' or 'Register'.
- If you have selected Test, enter the required pass mark.
Under the 'Add Questions' tab:
- Select the Question Type. (Under 'Multiple Choice', remember to select Single Correct Answer if applicable.
- Add the desired number of questions and answers.
- No further tabs will populate if you have selected the 'Create as Attached Survey' checkbox.
- If you are publishing a standalone survey, you will have further tabs to complete:
- Clicking the 'Response Options' tab will give you the option to present your users with additional buttons to either 'Refuse to Take' or 'Request Exemption' from the survey.
- Under the 'Target' tab, you can target the desired users or groups with the content:
- Under the 'Email' tab, customise the email alert sent to users notifying them that a survey is awaiting their response.
- You have the option to 'Send Now' or 'Send Later'. If you choose 'Send Later', the survey will be available for publication via Policy > Policies In Progress > Survey.
- When you have completed your survey, click Publish and it will now be delivered to all targeted users for completion.