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'Fusion Course Analysis' Report
Within the Fusion Course Analysis report, you can view the course status of each user and extend this to include the status of each Nano and Quiz within the Fusion course for each user.
This can help you to identify the course progress for all users, and also to refine and view if users are completing the Fusion course in full. You can also track when assigned users have started or completed their course.
- To view Fusion course completions in further detail, navigate to Reporting > Learning > Fusion Course Analysis.
- Select the relevant course from the 'Fusion Course' drop-down. If you have used multiple languages, then select the required language also.
- By default, the report will populate with all assigned users and their current Course Status.
- Click Show Additional Columns to view further information on the course status for all users.
Quiz Results
For Fusion courses that contain a quiz, you can also view if assigned users have answered the questions correctly or incorrectly.
- Select the Fusion course, Language and required Quiz from the relevant drop-down options.
- Once the report has loaded, scroll down to view further details on each question.
- Select the segments on the chart to view who has selected this answer, or click Export Quiz to export the full list of all questions and answers selected by each user, and whether these were a Pass or Fail.