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Automatic Reminder Emails
To increase user engagement, and save Admins some time, you can opt to set up automatic weekly reminder emails to uncompliant end users. Content notification emails can be sent out once a week depending on the number of alerts you have set up; simply set the time you would like those reminders to send.
1. Default number of reminders
- Set the default number of reminders for all content in Settings > Notification > Alerts and also set the time the emails are to be sent (based off UTC+00.00):
2. Custom number of reminders
- If you want to customise the number of reminders on a course, policy or survey, you can do this via the 'Email' tab:
3.Uncompliant User Report
- Within Settings > Notification > Alerts, select who should receive an Uncompliant User Report, i.e. showing those users who have received the maximum number of reminders, but who have yet to complete the content.
- For further information on this, please refer to article - How to alert managers when staff do not complete assigned Policies, Courses or Surveys
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