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How do I create a Fusion course?
Administrators can create their own Fusion course with various elements of interactivity, eLearning videos, policies and quizzes. This can include both MetaCompliance content and your own policies, PDFs or videos. You can even convert PowerPoint presentations and add these to a Fusion course!
- To create, navigate to Learning > Fusion Template Creation > Create.
- Populate the Mandatory elements as below to proceed.
- (Note that it is important to add all required languages before creating your Fusion course, as your selected Nanos may not be available in your required languages.)
1. Add Mandatory Elements
To create a Fusion course, you must include:
- the template name and a short description;
- any required languages.
2. Add Fusion Elements
Once you have selected your required languages, the available MetaCompliance Nanos, Quizzes, Intros, Outros, Interactions, Communications and Encouragements will now be available for selection.
Add the required elements to your Fusion course to proceed. Elements can be re-arranged within the Fusion 'Drag & Drop' area as needed.
Further information is available below on each element.
- Subheading: Fusion courses can be split into sections. For multiple sections, add a new Subheading.
- Intro: An Introductory video to help introduce the course to your staff. You can use a MetaCompliance-created Intro, or you can speak to your CX or CS staff member to request a Custom Intro for your organisation.
- Course Element: All MetaCompliance Nano videos, in your selected languages, are available within this area. Navigate through the list, and add your required Nanos to the course. Most MetaCompliance Nanos also come with a pre-built, optional quiz.
- My Elements: Any video content that you have uploaded via Content Creation will be available for selection in this area. Ensure your video is in MP4 format.
- Interaction: All MetaCompliance interactive content, in your selected languages, is available here. Navigate through the list, and add your required interactions to the course.
- Policy: Any policy uploaded via the ‘Content Creation’ area can be added to your course. You can also add a maximum of two buttons to the policy which allow end users to submit their acceptance of it.
- Communication: Communications can be uploaded via Content Creation in PDF format and incorporated into your course.
- Encouragement: Encouragements can be uploaded via Content Creation in PDF format and incorporated into your course. Alternatively, you can choose from the MetaCompliance prepopulated Encouragements within the drop-down.
- Outro: A video with a concluding message to staff can be added. You can use a MetaCompliance-created Outro, or you can speak to your CX or CS staff member to request a Custom Outro for your organisation.
- Quiz: You can add a quiz at any stage of your course to test users' understanding of the content.
3. Add Course Sections
A Fusion course can have up to 10 sections in total. Using sections can help separate your course elements. Click Add New Section to add a new section to your Fusion course.
4. Preview the Fusion Course
During the creation of the course, you can preview your progress as often as is required to ensure all is set up correctly. You can edit/update elements before you proceed to publish the course.
5. Finalise the Fusion Course
Once you are happy with the elements within the course, and you have confirmed that the preview is working as expected, you can now publish your course.
- Click Finish to move to the next stage.
- At this point, the system will ask if you want to Add a Pre-test to your course. (This is a further optional element that can be added and presented to your targeted users. If a user passes the pre-test, then they are not required to complete the course.)
- If you do not want to add a pre-test, then select No Thanks, followed by Confirm on the next pop-out.
Your Fusion course is now available for targeting.
Standard rules apply on how to publish a Fusion course to end users.