Creating your own Phish Template

  • Within our Phish Creation area, selecting Create Your Own Phish in the 'Phish Content' tab allows you to create your own phish templates.


  • When creating your own phish template, enter the Display Name that you would like to appear when the email arrives in the user’s inbox.


  • Within Reporting, to help you understand which email template the user has received, enter a Template Name.


  • Next, enter the subject of the email as it will appear for users in their 'Email Subject' field.
  • For the email address, enter @ in the 'From Address' field to see a list of available domains that can be used for the email address.


  • You are free to add any suitable text before the @:


  • Now, enter the body of the email within the 'Email Body' main text area. The email text can be formatted using the text menu, and you can add required placeholders as stated by the guidelines.


  • Once you have created your email template, you can then send a test copy to yourself by clicking on Send me a copy beside the 'From' address. This will send you a read-only copy, so you can see how the email looks in your inbox.


  • Please note: If you want to measure users clicking on the links in the email, please ensure to include a placeholder, i.e. either one of the preloaded placeholders or create your own using the guidelines.
  • When the user clicks on this, they will either be directed to the Data Form or the Learning Experience you chose.

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