How do I send a policy to required SCIM users?

After completing all relevant options on the Policy Creation tool, you can now navigate to the 'Target' tab where you can locate the users you require. Then, select Publish.

Users added via SCIM Provisioning will be presented in both a list format and in their assigned Group structure.

  • Under the 'Users' tab, you will find a full list of all users, with additional refinement options.
  • Under the 'Groups' tab, you will find all Groups that have been synced to the platform. You can select Show Member(s) to view the users located in these groups.
  • On the 'Users' tab, if you have ticked the top-level tickbox to select 'All Users' or 'Groups', all who have been selected will be targeted. However, if new users are added to the platform, they will not automatically be targeted.
  • You can use the 'Update Targets' functionality to add or remove users from the policy.
  • On the 'Users' tab, if you have refined by department and selected the top-level tickbox, all current and new users with the assigned department will be automatically assigned the policy.
  • On the 'Groups' tab, if you tick the top-level of a SCIM Group, all existing and new users will be automatically targeted with the policy.
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