How can I exempt IP addresses from impacting my phish audits?

As an admin user, navigate to Settings > Phish > IP Exemption.

Here, you can enter a single IP address or a range of IP addresses to be exempt from reporting. This means that if an open or click is linked to an IP that is exempt, then it will not appear in reporting. This will make the phish reporting audits more reliable, as customers can exempt opens/clicks from IP addresses that they know are linked to scanning software or internal systems.

  • Within the IP exemption area, click on Add an IP Exemption > choose if you want to add a single or range of IP addresses > choose a source for this IP address > and click Confirm.

  • The IP will then appear in the table as 'Exempt' with the date this action occurred.

  • Please note: Any past interactions relating to this IP will not be removed from reporting. Only interactions that take place after the IP has been marked as exempt will be filtered out of reporting.

Removing an IP from exemption

  • To remove an IP address from being exempt in reporting, navigate to Settings > Phish > IP Exemption.
  • Next, find the relevant IP address/range of IP addresses in the 'IP Exemption' table > click on the arrow within the 'Actions' column > and click Delete.

  • A modal will pop up as shown below:

  • Click Delete to remove the IP address/range of IP addresses from the table.
  • Once completed any future interaction from this IP address will no longer by exempt from reporting.
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