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QR Code Phishing Simulations
Within Phish Creation, customers now have the ability to add QR codes to their phishing templates.
If you wish to avail of this functionality, simply follow the steps below.
- Navigate to Phish Creation, and choose Create Your Own Phish.
- Next, select the 'Placeholder' option in the CK Editor ribbon of the email body and choose QR Code Placeholder.
- A QR Code Placeholder will appear in the email body, and this will be replaced by a QR Code per user when the phish is published.
- You can also edit any standard email template to add a QR code by selecting 'Create Your Own Phish', followed by 'Choose Email', and then adding a QR Code Placeholder.
- Each end user will receive a unique QR code, and if the end user scans this, they will then be taken to the data form (if attached) and the selected Learning Experience.
- Any QR codes that are scanned will be captured in Reporting under the 'QR Code Scanned' column.
- The QR code will appear within the body of the email and also as a small attachment in the email. Please ensure you have allowlisting in place to allow attachments.
- QR code phishing simulations are currently only supported on Outlook Web App and Outlook Desktop.