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Business User Management (Advanced) Permission - Reasons why a User Upload Spreadsheet is accepted/ rejected
This article lists the possible reasons why user upload spreadsheets are rejected when users have been assigned with the Business User Management (Advanced) permission.
- Department = Parent Group
- Group Name = Subgroup
The spreadsheet will be accepted if:
- Department(s) added have been assigned to Business User.
- Group Name(s) added have been assigned to Business User.
- Users on the spreadsheet have changed to new Departments or Group Names as long as the new groups have been assigned to Business User.
Reasons why spreadsheet would be rejected:
- Department/Parent Group(s) have not been assigned to Business Users by an admin.
- GroupName/Subgroups have not been assigned to Business Users by an admin.
- Assigned GroupName has been added to the incorrect Department within the spreadsheet.
Other Notes:
- Bulk Upload can only update Users Primary User Groups (Department) and Sub Groups (Group Name). There is no option to update other groups that users have been manually assigned to.
- If users are manually added to a group by an administrator or Business User via the platform, and then, at a later time, bulk uploaded into a new group, they will retain their targets for the manually added group.