Which email templates are included within the platform?

Within the platform, you are able to access various email templates on the tenant.

  • Simply follow this pathway: Settings > Notifications > Email Templates


Once you are on this screen, after selecting a language, you can find the following templates from the drop-down on the 'Please Choose Template' option.

  1. Assessment Generator Multiple: Assessment Generator: Email template to register creators if they have multiple records/assessments selected.
  2. Assessment Generator No Change Assessment Generator: Email template stating that assessment has been reviewed and no changes made.
  3. Assessment Generator Single: Assessment Generator: Email template to register creators if they have one record/assessment selected.
  4. Content Alert: Logon Required: New policy, survey or course alert email with a link to content.
  5. Content Alert: No Logon Required (Direct Access): New Direct Access policy, survey or course alert email with link to content.
  6. DSAR Webform Chat - Admin/DPO: Email to notify Admins/DPO that a new DSAR chat message has been submitted. (Only available for DSARs submitted via the webform.)
  7. DSAR Webform Complete - Requester: Notification to the requester that the request has been completed. (Only available for DSARs submitted via the webform.)
  8. DSAR Webform Submission - Admin/DPO: Email to notify Admins/DPO that a new DSAR chat message has been submitted via the webform.
  9. DSAR Webform Successful Submission - Requester: Email to notify the requester that their DSAR has been successfully submitted via the webform.
  10. Email Users - Registration Email: End user MyCompliance registration email.
  11. Federated Users - Welcome Email: Welcome email for new Federated users.
  12. Monthly Adoption report for admins: Notification of monthly admin adoption report.
  13. Monthly Supervisor Compliance Report: Supervisor email to inform of uncompliant direct reports.
  14. New Incident Raised - Admin: Admin notification of new incident reported.
  15. New Incident Raised - Submitter: User notification that an incident has been successfully reported.
  16. Pending Policy Review - Admin: Notification to Admin of pending policy reviews by approvers or reviewers.
  17. Pending Policy Review - Reviewer: Notification to policy approver/reviewer of pending policy reviews.
  18. Policy Update Reminder - Policy Owners: Policy Reminder Update Notification - Due date set during policy creation.
  19. Privacy Assessment Reassignment - End User: Email to notify an end user that a Privacy Assessment has been reassigned to them.
  20. Privacy Assessment Reassignment - Reviewer: Email to notify that a Privacy Assessment has been submitted and is ready for review.
  21. Privacy Assessment sent back - DPO: Notification of Privacy Assessment Survey to be resubmitted.
  22. Privacy Assessment sent back - End User: Email to notify end users that their Privacy Assessment has been reviewed and sent back to them.
  23. Privacy Assessment to Complete - End User: Email to notify end user that a Privacy Assessment has been assigned to them to complete.
  24. Smart Campaigns - Course Email (Phish Interaction): Sent via Phish Remediation within Campaigns.
  25. Uncompliant Email - Registered Users: Uncompliant email sent to users who have already received all scheduled reminders. This is for policy, survey and course content.
  26. Uncompliant Email - Unregistered Users: Uncompliant email sent to users who have already received all scheduled reminders. This is for Direct Access policy, survey and course content.
  27. Weekly Compliance Report: Weekly Uncompliant Users Report.

**Please note: The availability of the above selection will be based on the languages required, as well as the modules subscribed to.** 

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