Best practice when creating Content Notification templates

When releasing new content to end users and availing of email notifications, you should consider the following points.

1. Have you included a specific date/time for completion within the Notification template?

  • If 'YES', do you require the content to be attested to/completed by this specific date?
    • If 'YES', ensure the course is then archived once the end users have completed it to ensure that it is not targeted to other end users at a later date.
    • If 'No', then you should replace the specific date/time with a more generic time frame, e.g. 'This course must be completed within 3 weeks of receipt of this notification.' This will ensure, should the content (for example) be targeted to new starts within the company, that the email notification they receive is not outdated.

2. Have you customised the template with clear instructions to the end users that clearly display it has been sent from your organisation? 

  • This is extremely important to aid the overall adoption of your released content. End users are more likely to attest to, complete or accept content that appears to have come from their organisation.

For further information on editing templates, please refer to article:

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