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What is the 'Phish Device Report'?
The Phish Device Report collects the data about which device a user is using when they open a phish.
Headings Explained
- Overall Device Statistics: a compilation on all phish simulations in one overall statistical report.
- [Phish Name] Device Statistics: an individual report collecting data on a specific phish exercise.
When the blue 'Opened' column is clicked by the user, the below report information will then populate:
- User Name: first and last name of the user, depending on their user profile.
- User Email: the user's email address.
- Simulation: the name of the phish and also the Phish Report name.
- Action Taken: a brief description of the user's action; for example, this will display as 'Ryan OPENED the phish email on device type: MACINTOSH.'
- Phish Template: the template the admin chose within Phish Creation.
- Date Opened: the date the user opened the phish simulation.