Phish Delivery Status & Delivery Time

  • The phish Delivery Status and Delivery Time columns can be added within the Phish Overview Report.

  • Delivery Status: This will display as 'Delivered', 'Bounced' or 'Dropped'.
    • 'Delivered' indicates that the email has been successful.
    • 'Bounced' indicates that our system attempted to send the email to the targeted user; however, it was unable to successfully reach the user's mailbox.
    • 'Dropped' indicates that it has been unsuccessful.
    • A hyphen/dash will display if the email address that has been targeted is invalid.
  • Delivery Time: This states the time at which the email was delivered from our email server.
    • The date and time are collected in the following format: 2022-12-16 12:00:27.
    • If the delivery status is bounced or dropped, the delivery time will also show the time the action took place. 
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