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Additional languages in the 'Essentials' series - December Release
As part of our ongoing refresh of Nano content, we are delighted to announce the release of our next three languages across eighteen 'Essentials' content.
The Essentials content is presented below and will be available to view from the 19th of December 2022.
- Clear Desk - The Essentials
- Clear Screen - The Essentials
- Cyber Security - The Essentials
- Data Handling - The Essentials
- Email Use - The Essentials
- Hybrid Working Cybersecurity Threats
- Internet Security - The Essentials
- Laptop Safety - The Essentials
- Passwords - The Essentials
- Phishing - The Essentials
- Ransomware - The Essentials
- Remote Working - The Essentials
- Social Engineering - The Essentials
- Spear Phishing - The Essentials
- Spotting A Phish - The Essentials
- Types Of Phishing - The Essentials
- Web Browsing - The Essentials
- Why I'm A Phishing Target - The Essentials
The above titles can be found in the eLearning library of the MyCompliance platform by simply searching 'essentials'.
For more information, please refer to the following article: