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Which are the most commonly used reports within the Phish module?
Once a phish has been published, you will then have access to various reports. The most popular of these would tend to be the Phish Overview report and the Recurring Phish Victims report.
1. Phish Overview Report
This provides an overview result of all phish that have been sent out via the MetaCompliance platform.
The report will present a list of all simulated phish, with the corresponding activity levels for each.
At a glance, you can view phish that have any opens, un-opens, clicks, data entry, opened attachments, QR code scan attempts and reported phish using the MetaCompliance 'Phish Report' button.
2. Recurring Phish Victims
This can be used to help identify those users who have interacted with more than one simulated phishing email.
Further information on these can be found in the following articles: